
- The last record -  April 2020  (04.28.20) - What is more dangerous - new coronavirus (COVID-19) or the asteroid "1998 OR2"

According to some scientists, an asteroid flying to our planet is much more dangerous for humanity than the new coronavirus.
The dangerous object is called "1998 OR2" and in the near future plans to fly at a distance of 6.3 million km from our Earth.
In the event of a collision with the Earth, a large-scale catastrophe will occur, which will lead to the extinction of the entire planet - "the fall of such a cosmic body on Earth can cause tsunamis or lead to the effect of a nuclear winter."

If even this time we are lucky, then the next time an asteroid will fly near the Earth in 2070-2080 and may be an even greater threat.

Рядом с Землёй в скором времени пролетит астероид диаметром до 4 км


- April 2020  (04.09.20) - CoronaVirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus, started in the end of December in China, in the city Wuhan. Presumably start development with bats, then mutated and began to be transmitted from person to person. It is believed that this is a man-made virus created in the laboratories of the United States or China as a murder weapon ... There may have been an accidental leak, possibly a special one.

 Coronavirus Disease Info for People with Lupus - Lupus Research


How to cure people is not clear, some recover, some die. Mortality is especially high among the age-related population due to the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases (heart, pressure, diabetes, ...).
Both rich and poor, as well-known personalities (leaders of countries, actors, pop stars, ...) become victims.

Then it began to spread throughout the planet - in March it raged in almost all countries of the world.
Panic, lack of hospital beds, lack of tests, lack of ventilation systems, deficiency of masks and disinfectants.
The lack of doctors, part of the medical staff itself picks up the infection.
Quarantines, part of the countries in March, introduces the state of emergency - especially strong distribution in Italy. Moreover, in China at the same time they announce the victory over the disease and China begins to help other countries. At the same time, the countries of the European Union and the United States close their borders and do not even think about mutual assistance and the Union ...

Медики посчитали прирост заболевших коронавирусом: статистика на 7 ...Coronavirus vs SARS, Spanish flu and Ebola – death toll and ...

In hospitals in Italy and Spain, there is a shortage of beds, patients are in the corridors. In the US, sick doctors are forced to serve patients. At the end of March, it begins to spread strongly in the United States. At the beginning of April, the United States was already in first place, the number of cases around the world reached 1,500,000 people (in the United States more than 400,000), the number of deaths - more than 80,000 people.


Похожее изображениеCorona Virus Jokes Pics - coronavirus war 2020


Sports competitions (including the European Championship 2020 to 2021), music competitions (Eurovision 2020 canceled), films, theaters are being transferred ... Everything has been postponed, the regime of self-isolation, quarantine, state of emergency has been declared in all countries. This is a common war with an invisible common enemy.
The collapse of the economy, the depreciation of stocks, precious metals and oil.
All flights canceled. Those who return from abroad are quarantined for 14 days.
The only event that has not been canceled is the tournament of applicants for the right to fight with Magnus Carlsen and try to become the World Champion (although all applicants are seriously inferior in skill to the current World Champion, except for Caruana, who was severely depressed and already failed once ... ) And he was canceled after the sixth round (03/26/20) - with the transfer for an indefinite period (until the end of the epic with a crown). The tournament was held in the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg) and was stopped due to the risk of problems returning the participants to their homeland, as there was a decision to close all flights over the sky of the Russian Federation (the MVL and Nepomnyashchy are leading).

Educational institutions are transferred to the remote work mode. Where it is possible to transfer employees to remote work, some enterprises are closed.

Карантин и самоизоляция - о чем говорит статистика заражения ...Covid-2019 проник ко всем соседям Украины. Статистика эпидемии ...


What the new virus showed us - Coronavirus.

Our society is not something that is not perfect, but simply not developed.
Each country operates in its own way in danger (some continued to live quietly, others introduced formal quarantine, still others closed their borders, fourths ...). There was no solidarity between countries and a single strategy of action.
We acted on the level of tribal consciousness.
It turned out that in conditions of danger all our science, education, development ... cost nothing - we have a panic!
What if it was a more dangerous virus - 100% fatal? But what if the aliens that some hotheads dream so much about are attacked?
It meant one thing - complete chaos, panic and the end of modern civilization.

Therefore, before it’s too late, it’s time for our fragile “civilization” to think about the future and engage in self-development.
Stop the arms race (nobody needs it - out of fear we will destroy ourselves in an instant), stop space projects (first we need to understand ourselves, and then plow outer space in search of new life forms or viruses that are deadly for us).

Инопланетяне: новости по теме сегодня, за неделю и месяцВнезапная атака со стороны Европейского союза: коронавирус пришел ...Инопланетяне добывают полезные ископаемые на Луне (ФОТО) » Новости ...

It is necessary for all countries and nations to unite over a common problem - the preservation and development of our civilization - this is the only opportunity that will give at least some chance for us to survive.


Coronavirus jokes are spreading (almost) as fast as the actual ...


- October 2019 (10.07.19) - Excel Ctrl+Enter

This combination performs the same function as Enter, but the active cell does not change. For example, you can type a formula and after press "Ctrl + Enter" we will see the result, while the cell with the formula will remain active.


- August 2019 (08.04.19) - Smart Watch VS Fitness Watch - Expensive VS Cheap - Apple VS Xiaomi

The choice of Smart watches is not as simple as it seems at first look. Today the market is filled with a fairly large number of competing products.

Leaders, as you would expect, are Apple and Samsung, but the Chinese cheaper similarities to smart watches are also worth considering.

While the Iwatch and Galaxy watch are out of competition not only in terms of functionality and quality, but also at sky-high prices, their younger brothers, Fitness Watches, are starting to gain quite high popularity.

Of the budget models that have a good design and a minimal set of fitness functions, you can consider the Chinese Mi band4 from Xiaomi or Honor from Huawei. But you need to consider that this is not smart, but a fitness watch. And smartphones in the full sense of the word are the brand Iwatch and Galaxy watch.





- June 2019 (06/06/19) - The magic function of MS EXCEL.

Instant filling can be called the magic function of MS EXCEL - the program itself analyzes the user's actions and uses the algorithm to transform the rest of the database.

In the given simple example, the user in the 1st line of column "C" combined the entries of two columns - "A" and "B", the Instant Fill algorithm understood this and similarly filled in all the other lines in column "C".

By other means, this could be done with a formula or a macro, but using Instant Fill is faster and more convenient - although not in all cases ...




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